新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每周热门英雄解读第二期:雷克塞蝉联人气王!


Every popular hero interpretation second period: Lei Kesai won the popular king!

2015-01-22 11:21:51来源: 巴士LOL

-本周热门英雄解读 本周和以往稍显不同,最大的区别就是LPL春季赛第一周的比赛结束。什么英雄是当前版本最强的英雄,比赛场上最容易体现了,所以比赛非常热门的黄金脆皮鸡,皇子,虚空挖掘机等英雄在本周的热门榜单上均有体现。 那么现在问题来了,挖掘机技术哪家强?经过春季赛第一周的犀利,虚...

- interpretation of the week this week past heroes and slightly different, match the first week of the biggest difference is that LPL the end of spring. What a hero is the current version of the strongest heroes, the game most likely to reflect, so the match was very hot gold Crispy Chicken, Prince, in this week's hot list excavator has embodied the vanity of hero. So the question, excavator technology which is strong? After the first week of the spring season sharp, false...