新关注 > 信息聚合 > 镶嵌有技巧《万世》流光溢彩系统攻略


"All inlaid with skills" Ambilight system Raiders

2015-01-22 13:01:03来源: 07073游戏网

在以往的游戏中,人们可通过镶嵌宝石来获得不同的属性加成。而在大黑游戏《万世》中,玩家可在流光溢彩系统中,通过镶嵌稀有宝石,让自身属性得到全方面的提升。那么,玩家如何在流光溢彩系统中镶嵌稀有宝石呢?下面,就让小编来告诉大家吧! 稀有宝石有何作用? 在大黑《万世》流光溢彩系统中,分别...

in previous games, people can through the gems to obtain different stats. And in the big black game "eternal", game player can be in the Ambilight system, by embedding the rare gems, let its attributes are in all aspects of the upgrade. Then, game player how to mosaic the Ambilight system rare gems? Next, let small make up to tell you! Rare gem has what function? In big black "eternal" Ambilight system, respectively...