新关注 > 信息聚合 > 下《最后一炮》客户端送激活码 现代装甲战打响

下《最后一炮》客户端送激活码 现代装甲战打响

"The end of a gun" under the client to send the activation code modern armored war

2015-01-21 18:34:48来源: 多玩游戏

现代装甲即刻起航!3D载具射击革新之作《最后一炮》将于1月23日开启震撼压力测试。今日正式放出完整版客户端,已经获得激活码的玩家可以提前下载啦,抢先锁定中美尖端装甲强力火拼的视觉盛宴。在开始畅玩现代装甲之前,作为一名新玩家有以下几点知识是必须了解的: 3D载具射击革新之作 压力测...

modern armored immediately set sail! 3D carrier shooting for reform of the "end of a gun" will open the shock pressure test in January 23rd. Release the complete version of the client formally today, has received the activation code to the game player can advance to download, to pre empt the lock tip armor strong Sino US rush visual feast. Before the start of play modern armored, as a new game player has the following knowledge is must understand: 3D carrier shooting for reform of the pressure measurement...