新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《刺客信条 英灵殿》或将于下个版本加入武器单手剑

《刺客信条 英灵殿》或将于下个版本加入武器单手剑

"Assassin's Creed Hall of souls" may be added with one handed sword in the next version

2021-07-20 11:32:35来源: 游戏时光

刺客信条官方推特在本周一发布了一篇推文称:“我们在下次大型更新中加入单手剑怎么样?”,暗示《刺客信条 英灵殿》在接下来的更新中会加入“单手剑”这类武器。 今年 6 月,育碧的高级社区开发人员 Karen Lee 也曾谈过在游戏中加入单手剑的计划。“我们会根据社区的反馈,改进和添加一些特色功能。比如,我们接下来将加入单手剑。”同时 Lee 表示《刺客信条 英灵殿》将在 2022 年继续获得更新,这意味着《刺客信条 英灵殿》是第一款在发售第一年后继续获得更新支持的《刺客信条》游戏。 《刺客信条 英灵殿》在今年 5 月更新了第一个大型 DLC 《德鲁伊之怒》,第二个 DLC 《

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "How about adding one handed sword to the next big update?" the official twitter tweet of Assassin's Creed said on Monday, It is suggested that "one handed sword" will be added in the following update of "Assassin's Creed Hall of souls"& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In June, Ubisoft's senior community developer, Karen Lee & amp; nbsp; I also talked about the plan of adding one handed sword to the game“ We will improve and add some features according to the feedback from the community. For example, we're going to add the one handed sword next. " At the same time & amp; nbsp; Lee said "the assassin's Creed hall" will continue to be updated in 2022, which means "the assassin's Creed hall" is the first "Assassin's Creed" game to continue to receive updated support after its first year of sale& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; 《 The assassin's Creed Hall of souls updated the first large-scale DLC, the fury of Druids, and the second DLC in May this year《

标签: 刺客信条