新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战国无双5》新实机放出,全武将阵容与壮年信长形象公布


"Unparalleled in the Warring States period 5" new real opportunity released, all the generals lineup and the image of prime minister announced

2021-04-23 22:21:35来源: 游戏时光

在今天的《战国无双5》第三回特别节目上,光荣特库摩公开了本作的最后 4 名可操作武将、包含最新影像的第二部宣传影片、新实机演示以及「一骑当千版」全武将立牌实体展示等内容。《战国无双5》将于 6 月 24 日登陆 PS4/NS/Xbox One 平台(Xbox One 版仅包含数字版),7 月 27 日登陆 Steam 平台,中文版将与日文版同步推出。完整直播回放参战角色总共将有 27 名无双武将在《战国无双5》中登场,官方在今天的直播活动中新公布了其中最后 4 人,并展示了信长与光秀的壮年形象。杂贺孙市(CV:矶部弘)擅长武器:大炮。佣兵集团・杂贺众的首领。接受委托必定完成的冷静之人。认为战斗与暗杀均是乱世生存之术,对善恶无兴趣,亦无对特定人物的忠诚之心。服部半藏(CV:黒田崇矢)擅长武器:忍者刀。德川家臣之长

In today's third special program of "unparalleled 5 of the Warring States period", glorious tekumo made public the last four Operational generals, the second promotional film containing the latest video, the new real machine demonstration and the "one ride is a thousand version" all military generals' licensed physical display, etc《 Warring States matchless 5 will be launched on PS4 / NS / Xbox one platform on June 24 (Xbox one version only includes digital version) and steam platform on July 27. The Chinese version will be launched simultaneously with the Japanese version. A total of 27 matchless generals will appear in "the Warring States period matchless 5". In today's live broadcast, the official announced the last four of them, and showed the prime images of Shin Chang and Guangxiu. Zahesun city (CV: jibuhong) is good at weapons: artillery. The leader of mercenary group and zahezhong. A calm person who accepts a commission and does it. The author thinks that both fighting and assassination are the skills of survival in troubled times, and they have no interest in good and evil, and they have no loyalty to specific people. Takebu banzang (CV: Kuroda Chongya) is good at weapons: Ninja knives. Head of Tokugawa family minister