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Rumor: the development of Yidu divine sword 3 has entered the final stage

2021-08-10 10:35:12来源: 游戏时光

任天堂旗下 Monolith 工作室自 2017 年推出 JRPG《异度神剑2》以来,仅推出了一款初代重制作品《异度神剑 终极版》,不禁让人好奇团队目前正在开发什么作品,不过近期有传闻称《异度神剑3》的开发已接近尾声,或将于今年年底公布。 传闻的源头来自《异度神剑》主角梅莉亚的英语声优 Jenna Coleman,她在 Youtube 上一个叫做 Din’s Meteorite 的粉丝互动聊天频道上谈及了《异度神剑》续作:我天,《异度神剑》初代发售是什么时候?有快十年了吧?真的太久了。后来 Monolith 让我回来继续配音。这意味着系列会继续做下去,基本算是我们大家心知肚明了吧?嗯,我觉得他们会继续做,不知道老任允不允许我谈这个。 事实上 Jenna 并没有透露她献声的初代重制还是续作

Since the launch of jrpg Yidu Shenjian 2 in 2017, Nintendo's monolith studio has only launched an original remake of Yidu Shenjian ultimate, which makes people wonder what works the team is developing at present. However, recently, it is rumored that the development of Yidu Shenjian 3 is coming to an end or will be announced at the end of this year& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The source of the rumor comes from Jenny Coleman, an English voice actor of Melia, the protagonist of the "Yidu divine sword". She talked about the sequel of the "Yidu divine sword" on a fan interactive chat channel called DIN's meteorite on YouTube: my God, when was the first release of the "Yidu divine sword"? Almost ten years? It's been too long. Then monolith asked me to come back and continue dubbing. This means that the series will continue to be done. Basically, we all know it? Well, I think they will continue to do it. I don't know whether Lao Ren Yun will allow me to talk about this.