新关注 > 信息聚合 > Falcom官方授权手游《伊苏:梦境交织的长夜》公布


Falcom officially authorized mobile Tour "ESU: a long night of dreams" was announced

2021-08-04 21:21:35来源: 游戏时光

在今天的 2021 bilibili 游戏新品发布会上,官方公布了由 Falcom 官方授权、蓝港游戏引进、bilibili 游戏研发并独家发行的正版《伊苏8》手游《伊苏:梦境交织的长夜》。本作在原版《伊苏8》的基础上进行了一些改进,将在上线时支持中日双版本配音。《伊苏:梦境交织的长夜》现已于游戏官网开启预约。视频地址

At today's 2021 BiliBili game launch, the official announced the genuine Yisu 8 mobile game Yisu: a long night of dreams, which is officially authorized by falcom, introduced by blue harbor game, developed and exclusively distributed by BiliBili game. This work has made some improvements on the basis of the original ESU 8. It will support the dubbing of Chinese and Japanese versions when it goes online《 ESU: the long night of dreams is now available on the official website of the game. Video address

标签: 手游