新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《心灵杀手 复刻版》2021年秋发售,视觉效果全面改进

《心灵杀手 复刻版》2021年秋发售,视觉效果全面改进

The soul killer reprint will be released in the autumn of 2021, and the visual effect will be comprehensively improved

2021-09-07 21:27:13来源: 游戏时光

Remedy 创意总监 Sam Lake 在社交媒体正式公布了《心灵杀手 复刻版》(Alan Wake Remastered),透露项目工作已经接近完成。复刻版将在今年秋季登陆 Epic 商城、Xbox,以及首次登陆 PlayStation,包括「本世代和上一世代」。公布推文附带了 Lake 在 Remedy 粉丝社区 The Sudden Stop 发表的公开信链接,除了提到了《心灵杀手 复刻版》的一些相关情报外,还回顾了 11 年前《心灵杀手》发售以来粉丝们的热情支持和对系列的期待,他对此表示了衷心的感谢。Lake 在公开信中写道,「很高兴有机会为新一代平台推出复刻版本」,并透露,复刻版将会保留大家所喜爱的原作体验,但所有的视觉效果,包括艾伦·韦克本人的角色模型、电影过场都经过了升级和改进,还有一

Sam lake, creative director of remedy, officially released Alan Wake remastered on social media, revealing that the project work is nearing completion. The reprint will land in epic mall, Xbox and Playstation for the first time this autumn, including "current generation and previous generation". The tweet is accompanied by a link to an open letter published by lake in the summer stop, a fan community of remedy, in addition to mentioning the soul killer & amp; nbsp; In addition to some relevant information about reprint, he also reviewed the fans' enthusiastic support and expectations for the series since the release of mind killer 11 years ago. He expressed his heartfelt thanks for this. In his open letter, Lake wrote, "I'm glad to have the opportunity to launch a reprinted version for the new generation platform", and revealed that the reprinted version will retain everyone's favorite original experience, but all the visual effects, including Alan Walker's own role model and film cut-off, have been upgraded and improved, and there is still a problem