新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《爱丽丝 疯狂回归》又从Steam下架,好在只是误操作

《爱丽丝 疯狂回归》又从Steam下架,好在只是误操作

Alice's crazy return was removed from steam again. Fortunately, it was just a mistake

2022-06-20 10:44:33来源: 游戏时光

早些时候,《爱丽丝 疯狂回归》又从 Steam 下架了。不过粉丝们可以放心,游戏没有再出什么版权问题,迟早会重新上架。根据本作开发商麻辣马的创始人麦基(American McGee)的说法,这次下架是误操作,想下架别的游戏结果手抖把开发商所有作品都下架了。截至撰稿时,Steam 内的搜索也好、开发商发行商的作品列表也好,都找不到本作,只能在搜索引擎搜得到商店页面,其中标注了「应发行商请求,Alice: Madness Returns 已在 Steam 停售」。麦基在社交媒体透露,麻辣马工作室另一款作品 Akaneiro 出了问题,原本打算将其暂时停售,结果误操作将工作室所有游戏都停售了。目前,他们正在联系 Steam 的支持部门,想办法解决这个问题。在 2016 年,随着麻辣马工作室的关闭,《爱丽丝 疯狂回归》

Earlier, "Alice's crazy return" was taken off steam again. However, fans can rest assured that there is no copyright problem with the game and it will be re launched sooner or later. According to American McGee, the founder of Malama, the developer of this work, it was a mistake to get off the shelves this time. When he wanted to get off the shelves of other games, he shook his hands and took all the works of the developer off the shelves. As of the time of writing, neither the search in steam nor the list of works of the developer and publisher could find this work. Only the search engine could find the store page, which marked "alice: madness returns has stopped selling in steam at the request of the publisher". McGee revealed on social media that there was a problem with akaneiro, another work of Malama studio, which was originally intended to be temporarily suspended. As a result, all the Games in the studio were suspended due to misoperation. At present, they are contacting steam's support department to find a solution to this problem. In 2016, with the closure of the spicy horse studio, Alice's crazy return

标签: Steam