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网飞《鬼泣》改编动画新情报公开 第一季剧本已完成

The screenplay of the first season of new information disclosure of animation adaptation of Netflix ghost cry has been completed

2021-11-06 13:44:05来源: 游戏时光

Netflix 曾在 2018 年确认《鬼泣》系列将被改编为动画剧集,《恶魔城》动画执行制片人 Adi Shankar 将参与制作并与《恶魔城》一同加入名为“the bootleg multiverse”的动画多元宇宙。时隔三年,Adi Shankar 在近日接受日本 IGN 采访时,透露了关于这部动画的最新消息。 据 Adi Shankar 透露,《鬼泣》动画第一季的剧本已经完成,由 Alex Larsen 担任编剧(Alex Larsen 曾担任电影《成形》的编剧)。第一季共有八集,但不会把所有故事讲完。和《恶魔城》动画一样,《鬼泣》动画也将制作多部续集。此外,目前确定会在第一季出现的角色有但丁、维吉尔和蕾蒂。Adi Shan

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Netflix confirmed in 2018 that the ghost cry series will be adapted into an animation series, and Adi Shankar, the executive producer of animation of demon city, will participate in the production and join the animation multiuniverse named "the bootleg multiverse" with demon city. After three years, ADI Shankar revealed the latest news about this animation in a recent interview with ign in Japan& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to ADI Shankar, the script for the first season of ghost cry animation has been completed, and Alex Larsen has acted as the screenwriter (Alex Larsen once acted as the screenwriter of the film take shape). There are eight episodes in the first season, but we won't finish all the stories. Like "demon city" animation, "ghost cry" animation will also produce many sequels. In addition, Dante, Virgil and lady are currently confirmed to appear in the first season. Adi Shan