新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本航空公司推出宝可梦主题彩绘客机 12月投入使用

日本航空公司推出宝可梦主题彩绘客机 12月投入使用

JAL launched a baokemeng themed painted airliner, which was put into use in December

2021-11-08 16:04:18来源: 游戏时光

日本航空公司 AirDo 今日(11 月 8 日)宣布,名为「六尾 Jet 北海道」(ロコンジェット北海道)的波音 767 宝可梦彩绘客机将于 2021 年 12 月 1 日投入使用。此架客机的机身两侧分别绘制了冰系(阿罗拉)六尾与火系六尾的图案。飞机内部的物品也有相应装饰。机身图案特制用品该机的航行路线为羽田至新千岁、旭川、函馆线等,营运时间为 5 年。具体航行日程将在特设网页中公开。来源:Air Do/Live Door

Japan Airlines airdo announced today (November 8) that the Boeing 767 pockman painted airliner named "six tail jet Hokkaido" (Hokkaido) will be put into use on December 1, 2021. On both sides of the fuselage of this airliner are painted the patterns of six ice (Aurora) tails and six fire tails. The objects inside the aircraft are also decorated accordingly. Special supplies with fuselage pattern the flight route of the aircraft is from Haneda to new millennium, xuchuan, Hakodate line, etc., and the operation time is 5 years. The specific sailing schedule will be made public in the special web page. Source: air do/live door