新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宝可梦GO》开发商发布AR工具包 欲构建“现实元宇宙”

《宝可梦GO》开发商发布AR工具包 欲构建“现实元宇宙”

The developer of Baoke dream released ar toolkit to build "real meta universe"

2021-11-09 18:01:57来源: 游戏时光

《宝可梦 GO》开发商 Niantic 现宣布开放自家的 AR 应用平台「Lightship」,同时提供相应的软件开发工具包。「Lightship」软件开发工具包内含《宝可梦 GO》与《皮克敏 盛开》等 AR 应用的技术基础。开发者可利用这些工具展现 AR 应用的特色,例如实时绘图、理解交互和多人共享等。Niantic 的 CEO John Hanke 表示,通过物理与虚拟世界的融合来改变人类与技术的关系,需要更多人的想法与观点。因此 Niantic 开放了相应技术工具,希望以此推动 AR 技术的发展。另一方面,Niantic 还筹备了 2000 万美元启动资金,帮助其它企业开发 AR 应用。Niantic 在相关声明中提到,公司的愿景是构建一个“现实世界版的元宇宙”。目前,Niantic 在「Lightshi

Nialtic, the developer of baokemeng go, now announced the opening of its own ar application platform "lightship" and provided the corresponding software development kit. The "lightship" software development kit contains the technical basis of AR applications such as "Baoke dream go" and "pikemin in full bloom". Developers can use these tools to show the characteristics of AR applications, such as real-time drawing, understanding and interaction, and multi person sharing. John Hanke, CEO of Niantic, said that changing the relationship between human beings and technology through the integration of physical and virtual worlds requires more people's ideas and views. Therefore, Niantic has opened the corresponding technical tools, hoping to promote the development of AR technology. On the other hand, Niantic has also prepared a start-up fund of 20million US dollars to help other enterprises develop AR applications. Niantic mentioned in the relevant statement that the company's vision is to build a "real world version of the meta universe". At present, Niantic is in "lightshi"