新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明星老公表白技能大PK 陆毅护爱妻意外受伤

明星老公表白技能大PK 陆毅护爱妻意外受伤

Star husband profession skill big PK Lu Yi care wife accidentally injured

2015-05-17 09:31:52来源: 杭州网

今天20:20 江苏卫视 《为她而战》 在新一期《为她而战》中,四对明星夫妻面临全新游戏环节的挑战,并首次在节目中进行表白大比拼。 陆毅在挑战4米高空项目时,因失去平衡而坠落,在意外发生的瞬间...

. With the 20:20 and Jiangsu TV "for her fight in a new period" for her fight. Four of the star couple facing the challenge of the new part of the game, and for the first time in the program were profession competition. Lu Yi in the 4 meters altitude challenge project, and fall out of balance, the accident in the moment...