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徐若瑄生产萧敬腾前往探望 几人合照曝光

Vivian production Hsiao went to visit a few photo exposure 20, 8 months

2015-08-20 11:48:58来源: 中国青年网

中新网8月20日电 据台湾“中国时报”消息,徐若瑄卧床142天后,13日终于在新加坡顺利生下儿子“小V宝”。19日,她在网上晒出萧敬腾与经纪人Summer探望她的照片。 她开心留言称:“一定是上天巧妙的安排,产后当天国际巨星雨神位临新加坡演唱会,探望手术后水肿的我!见到你们好开心。”...

according to Taiwan's "China Times" news, Vivian bed 142 days, 13, finally in Singapore smooth son small V treasure. " On the 19 day, she was on the Internet to see Jam Hsiao and brokers Summer photos. Her happy message said: "it must be God clever arrangement, postpartum day international superstar rain tablets near singapore concert, visit after surgery edema I! Good fun to meet you." ...