新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全峰集团“拥抱大海”亲子活动营圆满结束


Peak group "embrace the sea" parent-child camp ended

2015-08-11 20:33:48来源: 大河网

---有爱盛夏携手同行 激情的盛夏,总能给人带来快乐与惊喜。 7月31日-8月7日,由全峰集团携手共青团中央北戴河培训基地联合开展的2015“拥抱大海”——亲子教育·少年作家(北戴河)特训营...

--- have peer passion in the summer to join the summer of love, always give people bring happiness and surprise. July 31st -8 7, by the whole group to join the Communist Youth League Central Beidaihe training base in the joint development of the 2015 "embracing the sea" - Parenting Education and young writers (Beidaihe) special training camp...