新关注 > 信息聚合 > 香港海学联成立十周年 韩启德冀更加奋发有为

香港海学联成立十周年 韩启德冀更加奋发有为

Hong Kong Customs ACSF tenth anniversary Ji Han Qide more energetic and promising

2016-04-10 02:38:19来源: 中国新闻网

中新社香港4月9日电 (记者 孙自法)香港海外学人联合会(海学联)9日晚举行“海纳百川,学行千里,联袂同心,缘系香江”创会10周年庆典。全国政协副主席、中国科学技术协会主席、香港海学联荣誉会长韩启德...

China news agency, Hong Kong, April 9 (Reporter Sun Zifa) - Hong Kong Overseas Students' Federation (ACSF sea) held the evening of 9 "be tolerant to diversity, traveling thousands of miles to learn, concentric side by side, edge line of Lights" celebration of the 10th anniversary of founding. CPPCC Vice Chairman, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Federation Honorary President Han Qide sea ...