新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我去上学啦》钟汉良平板支撑拉票竞选班长


The I to go to school "Wallace tablet support canvassing campaign monitor

2015-05-30 19:59:14来源: 新华报业网

钟汉良 人民网北京5月30日电(唐平)5月29日,东方卫视、爱奇艺、韩国原版制作团队强强联手打造的中国版《我去上学啦》在上海启动。钟汉良、孙艺洲、蒋劲夫、Selina、张凯丽、康倩雯六位明星学员...

people net Beijing on May 30 report (Tang Ping) on May 29, Dragon TV, iqiyi, South Korea original production team joined forces to create a Chinese version of the I to go to school" in Shanghai start. Zhong Hanliang, Sun Yizhou, Jiang Jinfu, Selina, Kaili Zhang, six star student cam Qian kang...