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华为EMUI 4.0创新功能 商务工作变简单高效

Huawei emui 4.0 innovation business functions work becomes simple,

2015-12-04 14:52:50来源: 中关村在线

"商务旗舰新标杆",是华为对其年度旗舰机型Mate 8的定位。Mate8搭载的EMUI 4.0默默助力其成为高端商务人士强大的办公助理。 互联网时代造就的这个"三千年未有之大变局",让人们无论是生活还是办公,都产生了天翻地覆的变化。为了满足高端商务人士对于办公效率越来越高的要求,EM...

"flagship of Commerce of new benchmark, Huawei on its annual flagship model mate location 8. Mate8 equipped with the EMUI 4 silently help them become a powerful high-end business office assistant. Internet era created by the "three thousand years, no big changes, let people whether living or office, produced tremendous change. In order to meet the requirements of high-end business people for office efficiency, EM...