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广州知识城腾飞园 举办全球招商发布会

Guangzhou Knowledge City Park held a global investment conference

2016-05-06 16:23:36来源: 环球网

2016-5-6 15:31:22 日前,位于黄埔区九龙大道的产业园广州知识城腾飞园举办“携手腾飞,世界为邻”全球招商发布会。 据介绍,广州知识城腾飞园是新加坡星桥腾飞集团在中国华南的首个产业园项目,也是中新广州知识城内少有的产业园综合体。星桥腾飞集团是亚洲可持续发展城市解决方案...

Before 2016-5-6 15:31:22, located in Jiulong Avenue, Huangpu District Industrial Park Guangzhou Knowledge City soar garden held "fly together, in the neighborhood of the world global investment conference. According to reports, the Guangzhou knowledge city park is the first industrial park in Singapore, Southern China, China's first industrial park project, but also in the new knowledge of the city of Guangzhou City, a small industrial park complex. Star Bridge Group is Asia's sustainable development of urban solutions...