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羽联总决赛-谌龙全胜晋级四强 中国混双全军覆没

IBF finals semi-finals victory - Chen long Chinese

2015-12-11 22:30:09来源: 新浪

刘成/包宜鑫爆冷出局 新浪体育讯 北京时间12月11日消息,2015年世界羽联超级系列赛总决赛在迪拜结束小组赛,中国队有多人进入半决赛。谌龙2比0战胜约根森,三战全胜的他排名小组第一晋级,田厚威...

Liu Cheng mixed The whole army was wiped out. / Bao Yixin upset out of sina sports dispatch on December 11th Beijing time news, 2015 BWF Super Series finals ended in Dubai in the group phase, Chinese team has many people into the semis. Chen Long 2 to 0 victory over Jorgensen, the first round of three matches he ranked team, Tian Houwei...