新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汪峰现身机场忙抽烟解压 似与章子怡打传情电话

汪峰现身机场忙抽烟解压 似与章子怡打传情电话

Wang Feng appeared airport busy smoking decompression like and Zhang Ziyi play Teaser telephone

2015-08-11 02:09:04来源: 中国青年网

汪峰 CFP讯 上海,《中国好声音》第四季新一期的节目录制正式启动。 日前记者在机场见到汪峰团队,助理办理完登机手续之后也迟迟未见汪峰现身。直到飞机起飞前40分钟汪峰才缓缓从路边走来。一路与人...

Wang Feng CFP news, a new phase of the program "the voice of China" in the fourth quarter recorded officially started. A few days ago, reporters at the airport to see the Wang Feng team, the assistant after the flight has not yet seen Wang Feng appeared. Before the plane took off 40 minutes before Wang Feng came slowly from the side of the road. One way and one person...