新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影《夜孔雀》定档5月 刘亦菲:不再要求安全感

电影《夜孔雀》定档5月 刘亦菲:不再要求安全感

Movie "Night Peacock" given file May Yifei: a sense of security is no longer required

2016-04-13 01:50:50来源: 中国新闻网

电影《夜孔雀》定档5月 刘亦菲:不再要求安全感 【解说】4月12日,中法合拍爱情电影《夜孔雀》在北京举办发布会,当天发布了角色海报及先导预告片,同时宣布定档5月20日。导演戴思杰携主演刘亦菲等到...

Movie "Night Peacock" given file May Yifei: a sense of security is no longer required explanation is April 12, the Sino-French co-production love the movie "Night Peacock" conference held in Beijing, released the same day the role of posters and pilot trailer, while fixed-gear announced May 20. Director Dai Sijie carrying starring Liu Yifei wait ...

标签: 电影