新关注 > 信息聚合 > 七旬老伯迷信“蜂疗” 被蛰200多口恶心休克

七旬老伯迷信“蜂疗” 被蛰200多口恶心休克

The age old man superstition "apitherapy" sting from more than 200 sick shock

2016-04-13 03:22:27来源: 环球网

(原标题:为治静脉曲张,七旬老伯主动求蜂蜇被蜇200多口后,昏迷不醒) 在金庸的笔下,为了一解老顽童周伯通中的蜘蛛毒,小龙女用蜂蜜把山中的蜜蜂给引了过来,让蜜蜂去蜇周伯通,结果神奇地起了效果。 杭州市民陈老伯真当“勇敢”,因为双腿静脉曲张,他主动“邀请”蜜蜂来蜇自己,被咬了200多口...

(the original title: to treat varicose veins, the age old man take the initiative to ask bee-sting after being stung more than 200, in a coma) in jin yong's works, a solution to a spider poison, the old urchin zhou botong little dragon female honey bees in the mountain to bring up, let the bees to sting's father, results magically effect. Hangzhou citizens Chen old man really as "brave", because the legs, varicose veins, he take the initiative to "invite" the bees to sting, the bite of more than 200...