新关注 > 信息聚合 > 常小兵落马背后:电信联通合并前景明朗


He sacked behind: Telecom China Unicom merger prospects

2015-12-28 07:11:02来源: TechWeb

[摘要]关于电信联通合并的消息这一年始终未停过,虽然官方一再辟谣称是子虚乌有,但下半年的一些列动作都像是奔着合并而去。 腾讯科技 郭晓峰 12月28日报道 中国电信董事长常小兵严重违纪被调查一事...

[Abstract] on China Telecom and China Unicom merger news this year has not stopped, although officials have repeatedly said the rumor is non-existent, but in the second half of a series of actions like merger and ran away. Tencent technology Guo Xiaofeng December 28th reported that China Telecom chairman Chang Xiaobing serious disciplinary investigation...