新关注 > 信息聚合 > 老年保健品市场“水深”“坑多” 谁来守护咱爸咱..

老年保健品市场“水深”“坑多” 谁来守护咱爸咱..

Elderly health care products market "water" "pit" who will guard Xinhua net Zanba our..

2015-07-06 22:14:59来源: 搜狐

新华网北京7月6日新媒体专电(“中国网事”记者李伟 徐海涛 刘恩黎 翁晔)近日,全国不少地方食品药品监管局等部门发出通知,进一步加强对以会议(讲座)等形式销售保健食品行为的监管。同时提醒消费者,不要...

Beijing, July 6, new media news (the "China" reporter Wei Xu Haitao Liu Enli Weng ye) recently, many parts of the national food and Drug Supervision Bureau and other departments issued a notice to further strengthen supervision on to conference (Lecture) form sales of health foods. At the same time to remind consumers not to...