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Watch the first test site "lattice Xian Xia for" shine

2015-04-23 15:44:45来源: 新浪

由厦门青瓷数码推出的首款真人RPG修仙新游《格子仙侠行》,已于昨日开启首次封测。首测当日,玩家们如潮水般涌进,火爆之势瞬间蔓延,游戏中人群熙攘,挤爆天墉城的大街小巷。休闲特色大放异彩,一起来看看吧! 官方网站 格子仙侠行 封测开启后,《格子仙侠行》的主城天墉城成了玩家们聚集的第一...

Sina launched by the Xiamen celadon digital's first live tour Xian Xia RPG cultivation "lattice", has opened the first beta yesterday. The first test on the same day, game player who poured into the moment, the hot trend spread, bustling crowd tumbled in the game, the days Yong city the high streets and back lanes. Shine leisure characteristics, together have a look! The official website of the lattice Xian Xia for open beta, "lattice" Xian Xia line in the days Yong city became the first game player gathered...