新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别致 苹果iPhone 6 Plus哈尔滨售4950

别致 苹果iPhone 6 Plus哈尔滨售4950

Chic Apple iPhone 6 plus Harbin sale 4950

2015-05-15 19:19:29来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线哈尔滨行情)苹果iPhone6 Plus在机身正面采用5.5英寸Multi Touch显示屏,分辨率为1920X1080像素的FHD级别,显示效果非常不错,霸气大屏突显时尚。目前,这款出...

(ZOL Harbin market) apple iphone6 plus in the fuselage front with 5.5 inches multi touch screen resolution for FHD 1920x1080 pixel level, showing the effect is very good, domineering big screen process show the fashion. At present, the...

标签: 苹果