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电影频道传媒大奖揭晓 孙淳低调亮相颁奖礼

Closing a movie channel media awards announced Sunchun low-key debut awards

2015-06-21 19:00:16来源: 广西新闻网

孙淳颁发最佳男配角 孙淳 腾讯娱乐讯 北京时间6月20日晚,第十八届上海国际电影节“电影频道传媒大奖” 在沪闭幕,各项大奖尘埃落定。电影《十二公民》将最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳编剧、最佳男主角...

Sunchun Award Best Supporting Actor Sunchun Tencent Entertainment News Beijing time on the evening of June 20, the 18th session of the Shanghai International Film Festival "the movie channel Media Award" in Shanghai, the award of the dust has settled. Movie "Twelve citizens" will be the best film, best director, best screenplay, best actor...

标签: 电影