新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国乒尽遣主力出战科威特赛 李晓霞冲冠难度大

国乒尽遣主力出战科威特赛 李晓霞冲冠难度大

Guoping force sent against Kuwait as the match Li Xiaoxia crown is difficult

2015-02-13 06:26:58来源: 中国新闻网

2015年国际乒联巡回赛首站——科威特公开赛昨天拉开战幕,此次比赛是中国乒乓球队今年参加的第一站公开赛,国乒派出了全部主力出战。 男单许昕与马龙分列前两号种子,许昕分在上半区,张继科与方博一样在上半区,两人有望会师8强。镇守下半区的马龙要打进4强难度不大,而同处下半区的小将樊振东想要...

2015 years the ITTF tour first station -- Kuwait open yesterday opened Zhanmu, this game is the Chinese table tennis team this year to participate in the first station open, Guo Ping sent all the main force for. Xu Xin and Malone were the first men's singles No. two seed, Xu Xin in the upper region, Zhang Jike and Fang Bo as in upper half, two people are expected to join 8. Malone half of the garrison to break into the top 4 is not difficult, and the young Fan Zhendong half zone with want...