新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富力签黑又硬获官宣 官网乌龙错把恒大当富力

富力签黑又硬获官宣 官网乌龙错把恒大当富力

Bodied sign black and hard won officials announced the official website of the Oolong wrong Hengda when decimating

2015-06-19 17:04:24来源: 新浪

官网截屏(红线部分为“广州恒大俱乐部”) 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月19日消息,俄罗斯格罗兹尼特里克俱乐部通过官网宣布,该队刚果国脚前锋杰里米-博基拉正式转会广州富力,博基拉已经在上周四与中国俱乐...

website screenshots (part of the red line "Guangzhou Evergrande club") of sina sports news Beijing time on June 19, the Russian Grozny coach club through the official website announced, the team just national fruit foot forward Jeremy bokila formal transfer Guangzhou bodied, bokila has on Thursday with the Chinese Club...