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技术贴 脸型好才能颜值高

Paste technology face good to Yan of high value

2015-02-03 23:22:22来源: 和讯网

这年头打开屏幕放眼望去都是锥子脸,锥子脸真的是万能的嘛,颜值主要靠决定?这就为大家以几个颜值高的女星作为代表,为大家来分析到底脸型的改变能对颜值到底什么样的影响,以及搭配什么样的发型可以让脸型看起来更美。 还记得让大家惊为天人的小倩吗,那时候真是觉得杨幂的大眼睛超美,波光璀璨,美目流...

this year opened the screen look are awl awl face, face is really everything well, Yan value mainly depends on the decision? This is for everyone with a few Yan value high star as a representative, for everyone to analyze the end face changes can on color value exactly what kind of impact, and with what kind of hairstyle can make the face look more beautiful. Remember to let everyone beautiful Xiaoqian, that time is really think Yang Mi eyes super beautiful, shimmering bright Meimu flow...