新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西城区委书记王宁谈及城市管理:“城市发展要突出..


Xicheng District Party committee secretary Wang Ning refer to urban management: "urban development to highlight..

2015-06-30 02:51:17来源: 千龙

王宁(前右一)调研北京营城建都滨水绿道的建设情况(资料照片)。新华社发 一副金丝边眼镜下投射出的目光是温和有礼的,笑容中充满谦逊,这就是西城区委书记王宁给人的印象。当旧城改造遇上文保区,西城区没...

Wang Ning (right) research on Beijing urban construction battalion are waterfront Greenway Construction (file photo). Xinhua News Agency issued a pair of gold rimmed spectacles on the projection of the eyes is modest and polite, smile with humility. This is the West District Party committee secretary Ning to the impression. When the transformation of the old city in Xicheng District District unhistorical, no...