新关注 > 信息聚合 > 媒体曝乡村教师待遇低下 微薄薪水常遭无情拖欠

媒体曝乡村教师待遇低下 微薄薪水常遭无情拖欠

Media exposure of rural teachers treatment low salary often suffer the ruthless default

2015-06-10 05:18:10来源: 青岛网络电视台

周之地 国务院办公厅近日印发《乡村教师支持计划(2015- 2020年)》(简称《计划》),其中提出,提高乡村教师生活待遇,拓宽乡村教师来源,畅通高校毕业生、城镇教师到乡村学校任教的通道,逐步形...

week to the State Council Office recently issued "rural teachers support plan (2015 - 2020)" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"), which proposed, improve rural living conditions of teachers, to broaden the sources of rural teachers, smooth college graduates and urban teachers to rural schools to teach the channel, and gradually form...