新关注 > 信息聚合 > 52亿的诱惑 企业为何不动心

52亿的诱惑 企业为何不动心

5200000000 why not tempted temptation enterprises

2015-01-12 03:13:53来源: 新浪网

长江商报消息 市值67.8亿以15.7亿拍卖,却无企业登记,上海滩商厦低价贱卖流拍 □本报特派记者 刘倩雯 发自上海 2014年12月29日,总面积42386.39平方米的上海滩商厦在上海进...

Yangtze daily news worth 6780000000 to 1570000000 auction, but no enterprise registration, Shanghai Bund commercial low prices Liupai - newspaper special correspondent Liu Qianwen from Shanghai in December 29, 2014, the total area of 42386.39 square meters of beach mall in Shanghai in...