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Expert Gaming宣布解散旗下CSGO分队

Expert Gaming announced the dissolution of its CSGO unit

2015-01-12 10:48:06来源: 太平洋游戏网

Expert Gaming在官方Facebook宣布解散旗下CSGO分队。 Expert最近取得的成绩是在ESWC挪威预选赛,其在败者组半决赛以20-22不敌wcyd,最终只取得5-6名的成绩。 俱乐部在声明中感谢了对队员们的付出和贡献,并表示俱乐部在未来将会重新招入一支战队。同...

Expert Gaming announced the dissolution of its CSGO unit in the official Facebook. Expert recently achieved in ESWC Norway qualifier, the group in the semi final loser by 20-22 not enemy wcyd, finally only get 5-6 of the score. The club would like to thank the members of the efforts and contributions in the statement, and said that the club will be in the future to move into a team. The same...