新关注 > 信息聚合 > 楼市新政“组合拳”影响几何


Property of the new deal "combination of boxing," influence of geometric

2015-04-07 23:54:17来源: 新浪

文/本刊记者 甄爱军 日前,商业贷款二套首付比例下调到最低40%、房产营业税“五改二”等一系列利好政策密集出台,楼市暖风频吹,市场有望走出低迷,出现一波成交小高潮。不过购房者不必担心政策会导致房...

text / reporter Zhen Aijun recently, two sets of commercial loan down payment down to a minimum of 40%, the real estate business tax "five to two" and a series of intensive introduction of favorable policies, the property market blowing warm air frequency, the market is expected out of the wave of turnover downturn, a small climax. Property buyers do not worry though policy leads to real...