新关注 > 信息聚合 > 淄博张店重建城乡教育“新生态” 网状互动让农村..

淄博张店重建城乡教育“新生态” 网状互动让农村..

Zibo Zhangdian reconstruction of urban and rural education "new ecology" net interaction to rural..

2015-04-02 07:36:28来源: 大众网

农村教师流失已成为全国普遍存在的一个问题。淄博市张店区教育局的相关负责人带着对这一问题的思考,开始了“重建城乡教育新生态”的行动。 截至目前,全区城乡校长、教师之间多元而有序的“网状互动”模式,...

rural teachers loss has become a problem prevailing in the country. Zhangdian Zibo District Education Bureau of the relevant person in charge with the problem of thinking, began the reconstruction of urban and rural education new ecological action. Up to now, the region's urban and rural principals, teachers and a diverse and orderly network interaction model,...