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去看胡夏音乐会 QQ炫舞8.15北京玩家官方面对面

To see Hu summer concert QQ Dancer 8.15 Beijing internationally official face several months before the face

2015-07-31 18:39:17来源: 新浪

QQ炫舞 CGWR 得分 CGWR:50 位 CGWR介绍 在之前的几个月中,每个月我们都在不同的城市为大家开展了“玩家官方面对面”活动。上期玩家们抱着激动的心情见到了传说中的老张,本期又可以见到谁呢?带着疑问一起来看看吧。 参与本次活动,除了能见到其他玩家与官方大大们,还可...

QQ dancer cgwr score CGWR:50 cgwr, each month we are in different cities for everyone to carry out the "official players face to face" activities. The game player who had excited to see the legend of Zhang, this period can also see who? Take a question and see. Participate in this event, in addition to see other players and the official, but also...