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吴彦祖女儿曝光 娱乐圈明星混血儿女谁颜值高

Daniel Wu daughter exposure entertainment star Mestizo children who face high value

2015-03-21 11:23:59来源: 新华报业网

下午,男神吴彦祖爱妻雷珊在微博上晒出与爱女Ray的合照,照片上Ray开心地躲在妈妈的怀里,穿花衣扎小辫,肉嘟嘟的小脸,十分可爱。雷珊也紧紧把女儿搂着,并低头亲吻,还说道:“跟我的小Ray Ray在一...

afternoon, men of God Daniel Wu wife and daughter Ray Latham drying out photo of micro-blog, photo Ray happy to hide in her mother's arms, wear dreadlocks, meat toot face, very cute. Latham also tightly hug and kiss her, bow, said: "with my little Ray Ray in a...