新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京足球机构欢迎改革 拟邀习主席担任荣誉主席

北京足球机构欢迎改革 拟邀习主席担任荣誉主席

Beijing football authorities welcome the reform plans to invite President Xi served as honorary chairman

2015-04-09 17:19:05来源: 网易

《中国足球改革总体方案》的出台为中国足球开拓出极具历史意义的新视野。这份史无前例的文件涵盖了足球运动的方方面面,2015年3月8日将被世界足球史铭记,因为这一天中国正式宣布足协脱离体育总局。 如果...

"Chinese football reform overall program" introduced to the Chinese soccer carve out the new vision of great historical significance. This unprecedented document covers all aspects of football, March 8, 2015 will be the world football history, because this day China officially announced the football association from the sports administration. If...