新关注 > 信息聚合 > Uber在美提出申诉:不愿承认司机为全职员工


Uber in the United States put forward appeal: do not want to admit that the driver for full-time employees

2015-07-10 09:44:10来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间7月10日早间消息,Uber本周在一起诉讼中辩称,Uber司机不应被认定为公司的全职员工。这一集体诉讼希望通过法律途径确认,Uber司机是该公司的全职员工,而不是独立合同工,从而使司机获得更好的福利。 如果司机被认定为Uber的全职员工,那么Uber的商业模式将受...

sina science and technology news Beijing time on July 10 morning message, Uber this week together the lawsuit argued, Uber drivers should not be identified as full-time employees of the company. This collective action is to be confirmed by legal means, the Uber driver is the company's full-time employees, rather than independent contract workers, thus allowing the driver to get better benefits. If a driver is identified as a full-time employee of Uber, then Uber's business model will be subject to...