新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小威自曝愤怒法网失利 将球拍全砸烂扔在法国

小威自曝愤怒法网失利 将球拍全砸烂扔在法国

Williams French Open defeat exposes anger smashed the whole racket throwing in France

2016-06-11 13:46:48来源: 网易

网易体育6月11日报道: 北京时间6月11日消息,2016年法网决赛硝烟散尽,但小威谈到决赛失利时自曝痛恨失败,并在社交媒体公布的一段视频中讲述法网后的心路历程,让人们意识到无论小威表现得多么大度,可是她的内心却是无比沮丧。 与穆古鲁扎会师到法网女单决战,小威使出浑身解数依然只能接受...

NEW YORK, June 11 reported: Beijing June 11 news, 2016 French Open final smoke cleared, but Serena when it comes to exposing the hate losing final defeat, and about the mentality of the French Open after social media released a video course, we have to make people aware of no matter how generous the performance of Serena, but her heart is very frustrating. French Open women's singles and Muguluzha join forces to battle, Serena did her best still only accept ...