新关注 > 信息聚合 > 徐钊:让速8酒店的数据会说话


Xu Zhao: Let the Super 8 Hotel data will speak

2016-05-27 00:02:58来源: IT168

【IT168 评论】如果你看过职场招聘类电视真人秀节目《非你莫属》,那一定对速8酒店高级副总裁徐钊并不陌生。他是节目的“BOSS团”成员之一,被网友评价为“严谨而务实,发言中肯,很负责的老板”。 ...

[IT168 comment] If you read the workplace recruiting class television reality show "belong to you", it must Zhao Xu, senior vice president, is no stranger to the Super 8 Hotel. He is the program "BOSS group" member, was friends evaluated as "rigorous and pragmatic, speak to the point, very responsible owner." ...