新关注 > 信息聚合 > 潍坊准大学生将在青岛海葬 捐器官挽救4个人

潍坊准大学生将在青岛海葬 捐器官挽救4个人

Weifang prospective students in Qingdao will be buried at sea to donate organs to save 4 people

2014-10-05 07:27:14来源: 青岛网络电视台

吴金红。(视频截图) “请相信,纵使你不是最耀人夺目的那个太阳,也会是千瓦度的灯泡,照亮一片区域。” ——吴金红日记 “挺感谢她的,祈祷她在天堂过得好,下辈子开开心心平平安安的。” ...

Wu Jinhong. (video screenshot) "please believe, even if that you are not the most Yao people dazzling sun, will also be kW degree lighting, illuminate an area." -- Wu Jinhong diary "very grateful for her, hope she in heaven had good, next life happy peace." ...