新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郭涛儿子走秀气场十足 网友:这忧郁的小眼神(图)

郭涛儿子走秀气场十足 网友:这忧郁的小眼神(图)

Guo Tao son catwalk gas field full of users: the blue eye (Figure)

2015-06-15 16:11:21来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动() 郭涛微博截图 中新网6月15日电 今日,郭涛在微博晒出儿子出席活动的帅照,并留言称:“儿纸(子),你这坨肉肉继续负责鲜,爸比(爸爸)这坨腊肉扛得住。”照片中,石头身穿白色半袖、红色短裤,搭配格子外套,登台走秀,气场十足。 对此,网友纷纷留言,“看这忧郁的小眼神”、...

participate in interactive () Guo Tao Bo screenshots in Beijing, June 15 (Xinhua) today, Guo Tao in microblogging drying out the son of attend activities photos of handsome, and message said: "paper son (son), you this lump of meat to responsible for fresh, Dad than (DAD) this lump of meat carry live." In the photo, wearing a white stone half sleeve, red shorts, plaid jacket, made her debut on the catwalk, full gas field. In this regard, users have a message, look at this melancholy little eyes ",...