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泰国遭逆转加提蓬满脸愁云 裁判三次判罚遭嘘

Thailand being reversed Jiatipeng face melancholy referee three penalty being booed

2015-05-27 19:05:35来源: 网易

网易体育5月27日报道: 北京时间5月27日消息,女排亚锦赛展开半决赛争夺,中国队迎来强敌泰国队,经过四局苦战,中国女排终于以3-1赢下对手,而本场比赛裁判判罚出现三次争议,现场观众也将嘘声送给裁...

Netease sports May 27 reported: Beijing time on May 27 news, the Asian women's Volleyball Championship launched semi-final contention, Chinese team ushered in the enemies of the Thai team. After four innings struggle, the Chinese women's volleyball team finally 3-1 win opponent, and the match referee appeared three times dispute, audience will also boos gave cut...