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最新Windows 10移动预览版:蜂窝网络下载文件无..

The latest Windows 10 mobile Preview: cellular network to download the file without cattle..

2015-06-29 10:46:37来源: 牛华网

【牛华网讯】 北京时间6月29日消息,通常来讲,当通过蜂窝网络下载应用程序的时候,大多数平台都会施加限制,因为一些应用程序的体积太大,可能会很快耗光用户的包月流量。不过,最新的Windows 10移...

[Hua Niu network news] Beijing time on June 29 news, generally speaking, when the cellular network to download applications, most platforms will impose restrictions, because some of the applications of the volume is too large, may soon consumption light users monthly flow. However, the latest Windows 10 shift...