新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科比亲自游说欲促成招募 谨慎!阿德仍未透露意向

科比亲自游说欲促成招募 谨慎!阿德仍未透露意向

Kobe personally lobbied the desire to contribute to recruit cautious! Adriano has not yet revealed intention

2015-07-01 16:24:14来源: 网易

湖人与阿尔德里奇在自由市场开启后便见面会谈,双方开会超过2小时,据报进展顺利,但并无实质结果。科比在会上表现出色,但阿德仍没有点头答应签约。 网易体育7月1日报道: 北京时间7月1日正午,自由市场已经正式开始。湖人在第一时间就与阿尔德里奇会面,参与人员除了湖人老板吉姆和珍妮-巴斯之外...

Lakers and Aldridge in the free market after opening will meet and talk, the two sides met for more than 2 hours, reportedly proceeded smoothly, but no substantial results. Kobe performed well at the meeting, but A De still did not nod to sign. Netease sports in July 1st reported: Beijing time in July 1st at noon, the free market has officially begun. The Lakers met with Aldridge at the first time, in addition to Lakers owner Jim and Jeanne bass...