新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百家民企走进邢台 48个项目签约投资达512.35亿

百家民企走进邢台 48个项目签约投资达512.35亿

Hundreds of private enterprises into the Xingtai 48 projects contracted investment of 512.35_yi billion

2015-09-19 18:55:03来源: 中国新闻网

中新网邢台9月19日电(张鹏翔 李铁锤 张文学) 19日,中国·邢台民营企业领袖峰会暨“百家优秀民企进邢台”在河北省邢台市举办,来自全国118家企业的近300位客商参加了会议。48个项目集中签约,总...

China News Network Beijing Xingtai September 19 (Zhang Pengxiang Lee hammer Wenxue Zhang) 19, China, Xingtai private business leaders summit and "hundreds of outstanding private enterprises in Xingtai" held in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, from 118 companies around the country, nearly 300 businessmen attended the meeting. 48 projects focused on signing, total...