新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联赛五大奖:敢斗要数陈丽怡 论球迷天津兵强马壮

联赛五大奖:敢斗要数陈丽怡 论球迷天津兵强马壮

League five awards: ChenLiYi dare to fight to the number of fans on the best players together in Tianjin

2016-01-31 19:55:27来源: 新浪

陈丽怡当选“敢斗奖” 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月30日消息,随着天津女排客场战胜江苏女排,2015-2016赛季中国女排联赛也结束了所有场次的争夺争夺。回顾三个月的联赛过程,新浪体育评出本届联赛另...

ChenLiYi elected "dare to fight Award" Ticker January 30 news, along with the Tianjin women's volleyball win over Jiangsu women's volleyball, China women's volleyball league 2015-2016 season also ended all screenings of the competition to compete. Recalling the three-month course of the league, this league Sina Sports Top other ...